5 ways to use Essential Oils with Household Items

Hello Lovelies,

I love Essential Oils! They smell amazing and have many healthy benefits. They treat all kinds of things from bug bites to burns, sweet aroma to spicy aroma, headaches to menstrual relief. You can use essential oils in all kinds of things as well especially for household items and beauty items.

I’m a mother and a hippy at heart, if it’s not natural and safe for my body or the earth I personally don’t want to use it.

Essential oils are a huge part of my life and I use them with everything again from beauty products to household items.

Here are 5 awesome ways I use Essential Oils in my home and you can too.


1. Potpourri

I use fresh rose buds in a mason jar and put about 1/4 cup of Almond Oil and then about 20 drops of essential oil, and a candle warmer. I love using exotic sandalwood or just sandlewood with the roses it gives a sweet soft smell and makes the whole room smell amazing.


 2. Candles

I like to take non-scented candles from Wal-Mart and melting them down and mixing the wax with essential oils. This blend here is a citrus blend using lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit. Depending on the size of the candle will depend on the amount of drops you use. Here in these shells I have 3 drops of each oil.


3. Homemade Air Freshener

This homemade air freshener is really simple to make just take a small mason jar, poke holes in the lid for breathing and fill the jar with baking soda and put about 15 drops of essential oil in with the baking soda and mix it up a little, put the lid on and you have an air freshener.


4. Scented Olive Oil Candle

Here is an olive oil candle, another simple quick diffuser for those essential oils. All you need is a mason jar, lantern wick or wire, a paper clip, olive oil, and your essential oils. Use the paper clip to hold the wick center by wrapping it around the wick and clipping it to the side of the mason jar. With this jar I used 20 drops of essential oils. Ohh and just a little tip do not use any other wick unless you plan on having a fire.


5. Clothes Pin Diffuser

This is super simple, hot glue pom balls or felt stickers to clothes pins and stick it in the air conditioning vents. I like to put about 20 drops in each cotton ball, it makes the whole room smell like lemons… or whatever aroma you desire.


All my essential oils come from Melaleuca the wellness company, there like is called Pure and I can order special packs as a prefered customer. My citrus pack cost around $30 with a savings of $13. It was a really good special running. Check out Melaleuca the wellness company and their line of essential oils today. Membership enrollments are just $1 right now. Click here to enroll.


♥♥~Gruada Mom~♥♥