Rustic/Vintage Wedding Set up

Hey all,

Here is the set up for most of the wedding. I wish I had more photos to show it was beautiful and these don’t do her wedding justice.

However, this is the project we did together.

The Bouquet

made by my grandmother


Memorial Table

Ceremony Set Up




Our Naked Cake done by a friend



Blessing stones with waterfall, Card Basket and date night jar outside the reception tent.


This was by far the best event I have planned yet. I really enjoyed it! My mother helped me set the whole thing up for our bride. It was amazing, so enchanting, we had a wood dance floor inside the reception tent with hay bales surrounding, a lot of lights hung all over the place, it was rustic, vintage and earthy enchanting. It was better than my own wedding.

Well that’s it for wedding week.

I hope you enjoyed it, I know I did!

~Gruada Mom~

DIY Burlap Memorial Sign

At the ceremony Dorthea and I wanted a table set up near the ulterior for family that had passed away that couldn’t be physically at the wedding.

We had photos of her mother, grandparents (both Brides and grooms) and our granny. Also as her dad walked her down the Isle he carried her mother’s ern and then placed her in a seat beside him.

I desided to make her a memorial sign for the table.

This project was super simple and cost me about $15.00 to put together.

I went to Wal-Mart and got…

The burlap canvas, alphabet stencil, white acrylic paint, cloth flower stickers, and a white pearl necklace.

So the very first thing I did was sponge paint the lettering on the canvas arranged wavey, once I had the quote on and it dried I placed a flower in each corner as shown above. Last I cut the pearl necklace and placed on each side of the flower above with hot glue.

And your done!

We placed rocks and babies breath in front of the photos, granny’s little ern sat in front of her photo and mom was in the center of the table for a little while.

Stay tuned for the wedding party reception table setup.

~Gruada Mom~

DIY Pallet Ceremony Seating Plan Sign 

Need a rustic seating plan sign?

Well here ya go…


  • Pallet boards
  • Nails
  • Hammer
  • White paint (Acrylic)

Step one: take apart the pallet board, use two boards as legs.

Step two: Lay 5 boards access your boards your using as legs and nail them down.

Step three: Paint your lettering! I free handed mine but you can use stencils.

Easy right…

Come back for more… The final set up is coming fast.

~Gruada Mom~

DIY Isle decorations

Hey all,

More wedding talk!

These are restaurant style aluminum cans, the ones vegetables come in… we used thesee as flower pots for along the Isle for the ceremony. We rented hay bales for seating, we used cedar wood logs and rounds to sit the flower pots on. We also had purple glitter candles along the Isle as well.

These flower pots were simple to put together.


  • Wide burlap
  • Antique brooch pins and necklaces
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Wire cutters

The steps were simple… hot glue the burlap around the can. Cut necklaces and brooches to desired size. Hot glue charms in the center.

Bam…your done!

We then filled the pots with soil and desired plants and flowers.

You can see the final display at the end of the week.

Thanks for joining me!

~Gruada Mom~

DIY Rustic Champagne Flutes and Cake Cutters

Hey Hey,

I had the honor of designing the Champagne Flutes and cake cutters for our soon to be bride and groom. I kept it simple and rustic for them

I baught plain Flutes and cutters from Walmart, hemp, and burlap as well. I found a package of wooden hearts at Joann’s fabric store as well.

Here I just took a lighter and burned the edges of the wood, made a bow with hemp glued it to the heart and took a black Sharpie and wrote Mr. And Mrs. On each one.

Next, I hot glued burlap around the top of each flute making it centered. Then wrapped hemp around the burlap again with hot glue. After the glue dried I took the lighter and burned the hemp just a little to give it the old warn out rustic look.

And for the final touch I hot glued the Hearts to the hemp.

And there you have some cheap and beautiful rustic Champagne Flutes.

Nice huh?

After the Flutes, my next task was the cake cutters.

For those again as I stated above I got some Cheap ones from walmart and I got some hemp and rhinestones (which we already had)

All I did here was wrap the handles with hemp and hot glue the ends to keep it tied, next I made a bow for each cutter and glued it to the end of the handle. After wards I glued the rhinestones to the hemp to give it some “bling”. So simple and quick. Cute and rustic!

DIY Rustic love wine bottles

This project was inspired by pinterest.  It was also a lesson at hand.


  • Hot glue gun
  • Adhesive spray
  • Wine bottles
  • White bottoms
  • Pearl necklace
  • Handmade burlap rose
  • Fabric flower stickers
  • Hemp

We tested this two different ways, the first was wrapped the bottle in hemp hot gluing the top and the bottom. Then the other was spray adhesive glue in sections wrapping the bottle in hemp. The second test worked better, the hemp stayed in place.

Then I just spelled out love with my  collected jewels.

Oh, I hot glued everything to the hemp.

Again, you will see the final set up at the end of the week.

Stay tuned for more. Next post will be the DIY Champagne Flutes and cake cutters.

~Gruada Mom~

DIY Rustic/Vintage Center pieces

Hey all,

Let’s talk wedding!

The Reception tables to be exact!

We decided to have 8 round tables and 4 long tables (for the wedding party) and the reception dinner would be held in an outside wedding tent, and the food would be inside the garage. Boss man polished and build a cedar bar along the side of the garage. It was really pretty!

Dorthea and I also had 3 people cut cedar wood rounds think and thin for isle runners, table tops, and the food bar.

The kids, my husband and myself sanded all of these cedar wood logs and rounds to make them look pretty and so no one got any splinters.

We had pink and purple table cloths. We also collected like 80 wine bottles and cut the bottoms for candle holders and I collected about 30 restaurant style aluminum cans.

Next, we went shopping at hobby lobby bought 8 short flower tins and 4 tall flower tins, a lot of burlap, and mini mason jars and hot glue sticks.

Then we went thrift store shopping over a week span and gathered old vintage necklaces and brooch pins.

So Wanna see what we did next?

Yep spent 3 weeks putting together the candle holders, and flower vases.

Each vase was different for each table.

You will get to see the final set up at the end of the week so stay tuned.

Next is…

DIY Champagne Flutes and cake cutter

~Gruada Mom~

Wedding week

So a few weeks ago I shared the Bachelorette Adventure Day over a week span I had hosted for my sister-in-law.

This week I want to share my sister-in-laws wedding we designed together and did together. We had a blast doing it but there were some very stressful times.
My number 1 advise I have to share is if you are planning a wedding, host weekly meetings all the way up to the wedding to ensure everyone who is helping is on board and sticking to the schedule and their duties. We had to pick up the slack for a couple people. It was terrible but we did it and my beautiful bride had an amazing wedding.

So when you are planning a wedding first set your date and time and send out save the date cards 6 months before the wedding…

Yea yea okay not everyone does this… my sister is an example, she set her date and planned her wedding in 3 months without sending save the date cards out.

However, after she set her date and time we then drew up THE PLAN. She chose her theme and colors as well as her menu.

After that we did the invitations and sent them out 2 months before the wedding. Her invitations were simple and cute. I apologize I don’t have a picture of them but we found them at Target on sale. Simple brown cardstock with white lace cardstock inserts.

Next was decorations…

Stay tuned for thr next post on DIY Rustic/Vintage Decorations.

~Gruada Mom~